-STABILANT 22(TM)- EXPIRES 01/02/2012 |
Manufactured by: D.W. ELECTROCHEMICALS
3-97 Newkirk Road,
Richmond Hill, Ontario L4C 3G4
Phone: (905) 508-7500
Fax: (905) 508-7502
Name: Stabilant 22 (No synonyms)
Use: Electronic contact enhancer
Chemical Name & Identity:
100% [No Fire or Health Hazard] - falls under
Modified Polyoxypropylene-Polyoxyethylene Block Polymer of the Polyglycol
Hazardous Ingredients: (EPA & TSCA)
- None (WHMIS) - None
Physical State: Liquid
Appearance: Cloudy to clear liquid
Odor: Faint Musty odor
Odor Threshold: No Data
Melting Point: Pour point 16' Celsius
Boiling Point: None
Specific Gravity: 1.05
Density: 1.05 gms/ml
Decomposition Temp: >210° C
Solubility in water: 100 grams per
Viscocity Dynamic: 490 mPa.s
(25 Deg. Celcius)
Vapor Pressure: < 0.1 mmHg
(25 Deg. Celcius)
Vapor Density: No Tests Run
Bulk Density: 1.450 kg/m3
Evaporation Rate: No Tests Run
Index of refraction:1.454 at 25°
deg. Celsius
Coefficient of Water/oil distribution:
No Tests Run
pH: 5 to 7.5 @ 1 0 g/l
Total Organic Carbon (TOC): 28%
Flammability: Will support combustion
on decomposition - e.g.. material temperature must have been raised above
200° Celsius
Lower Explosion Limit (% by Volume):
No Tests Run
Flash Point: 200° Celsius
Method: COC
Hazardous Combustion Products: None
Extinguishing Media: Water fog, C02,
Foam, Dry Chemical
Special Procedures: Self Contained
Breathing Apparatus should be used when fighting a fire in a confined area
or when exposed to contamination products.
Auto-ignition temperature: No Tests
Explosion Data:- Sensitivity to impact:
None known
Sensitivity to Static Discharge: No
Tests Run
Unusual Fire & Explosion Hazards:
Improperly Disposed of Stabilant soaked combustible materials might be
subject to spontaneous combustion.
Dangerous Goods Class: None
Routes of Entry: Not to be taken orally,
no prolonged skin or eye irritation noted on prolonged exposure
LD50: 5 grams/kilogram (Oral)
Tested on: Rats
Skin Overexposure effects: Prolonged
skin or eye contact may cause light temporary irritation.
Skin Irritation: Limited Tests indicate
no significant long term irritation
Eye Irritation: Limited Tests indicate
no significant long term irritation.
Inhalation Acute: Very low vapor pressure
suggests that this would not be applicable.
Inhalation Chronic: Very low vapor
pressure suggests that this would not be applicable
Oral Ingestion: Oral ingestion of small
amounts will cause diarrhea. Oral Ingestion of large amounts could cause
systemic collapse.
Effects of Acute Exposure: Oral - see
above; Skin or eye, Limited tests indicate no significant long term irritation
Effects of Chronic Exposure: Oral -
see above; Skin or eye, Limited tests indicate no significant long term
Exposure Limits: No Tests Run - Very
low vapor pressure combined with the very low toxicity and the small surface
areas of the material when applied to contacts suggests that for practical
purposes it would be virtually impossible to reach an airborne concentration
that would be injurious. Limited testing on skin exposure indicate no significant
long term irritation or sensitization. We suggest a precautionary washing
of the exposed areas with soap and water.
Sensitization to Material: Limited
Tests indicate no sensitization effects.
Carcinogenicity: None Known
Reproductive Effects: No Tests Run.
Tetratogenicity: No Tests Run.
Mutagenicity: No Tests Run.
Synergistic Materials: None Known.
Stability: Stable
Conditions to avoid: Excessive Temperatures
Incompatibility: None known
Hazardous Decomposition Products: None
Hazardous Polymerization or Reactivity:
Will not occur
Biodegradability: No tests run - No
Fish Toxicity: At concentrations of
up to 5 ppm. no toxic reactions were noted
Bacterial Inhibition in Influent: No
Bulk handling Observe physical safety
procedures commensurate with the size of the container involved
Dilution: Precautions should be taken
to be sure that diluted materials are properly labeled as to the diluant
Ventilation: General mechanical ventilation
is adequate
Respiratory Protection: Use an approved
respirator if exposed to mists or aerosols
Protective Gloves: Rubber, Neoprene
or Plastic when handling bulk amounts
Eye Protection: Goggles or Face shield
when handling bulk amounts.
Footwear: Non slip when handling bulk
Clothing: Apron when handling bulk
Other: Not required
United States: The material in this
product have been reviewed and are not reportable under SARA title III
This material is included in the TSCA inventory.
OSHA Classification: Non hazardous
Customs: The material is classified
as Semiconductors, Other - under Harmonized # 8541.50.00.80
Canada: This material
is included on the Domestic Substances List under CEPA
NDSL - Not listed
Handling & Storage Procedures:
Avoid eye contact and prolonged skin contact. Store in a cool dry location.
Shipping Name: Stabilant 22 - Semiconductor:
PIN (Product ID#) None
Packing Group Class: Non-toxic
Special Provision: None
Subsidiary Class: None
Schedule XII: Not applicable (Harmonized
Control Number - 8541.50.00.80
Fire: No special requirements known
Eyes: Flush immediately with flowing
water for a period of at least 10 minutes and consult a physician.
Skin: Wash with soap and water. Remove
and launder contaminated clothing before re-use. Consult a physician If
irritation develops at site of exposure.
Ingestion: Induce vomiting and consult
a physician.
Inhalation: If the material is sprayed
in large quantities, excessive aerosol inhalation will cause irritation,
congestion, and act as an expectorant. Consult a physician
Clean-up of Leaks & Spills: As
spilled material is quite slippery it should be covered with absorbent
anti-skid material and cleaned up immediately.
Disposal of Waste: This product is
not a hazardous waste when discarded as defined in 40CFR261.337. This product
is not a halognated solvent when spent as defined in 40CFR261.317. This
product may be incinerated together with domestic waste so long as local
regulations permit incineration.
Halogen content: 0 ppm (µg/g
Sulfur content: 0 ppm (µg/g)
No chelating agent action.
OTHER DATA (Excluded from waiver at end
of MSDS)
Heavy Metals: D.W. Electrochemicals
Ltd. has a policy of not allowing any intentional addition of any heavy
metals, such as lead, cadmium, mercury, or hexavalent chromium, or their
compounds, to be used in inks or in the labels on our packaging and requires
the total concentration of these materials, if present, to be so at a level
of less than 100 parts per million and we so certify.
RoHS Legislation Article 4(1) pertaining
to Heavy Metals in Stabilants and other prohibited components: D.W.
Electrochemicals Ltd. has a policy of not allowing any addition of any
heavy metals, such as lead, cadmium, mercury, or hexavalent chromium, or
their compounds, to be used in the Stabilants and requires the total concentration
of these materials, if present, to be so at a level of less than 100 parts
per million and we so certify. Nor does Stabilant contain any polybrominated
biphenyls (PBB's) or polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDE's) and we so
Ozone Depleting Chemicals: Because
of our corporate opposition to the use of ODC's either in the manufacture
of, or as an inclusion in any of our products, D.W. Electrochemicals Ltd.
has consistently refused to provide any of our products in aerosol spray
packaging and/or to supply any of our materials diluted with any Class
1 ODC, and we so certify.
PCB's: We certify that this material
has been subjected to tests capable of detecting PCB's to a level of less
than 2 parts per million and no PCB's have been found.
Packaging: New standards are in place
in an attempt to reduce the amount of plastics, tape and/or adhesives used
and to ensure that our packaging may be reused or recycled.
Prepared By: Wm Wright
Department: Engineering
Preparation Date: January 2nd, 2009
Current Revision: Revision 29a-Updated,
also for inclusion in web site
Emergency Phone: (905) 508-7500
Emergency Contact: Wm Wright
Patented Canada 1987, Us Patent 4696832.
Others Pending.
©1997 D. W. Electrochemicals
Ltd. This note may be reproduced or copied, provided its content is not
altered. The term "contact enhancer" © 1983 Wright Electroacoustics.
NATO/CAGE Supplier code #38948
15 mL Stabilant 22 has NATO Stock Number
D.W. Electrochemicals Ltd.
urges each customer or recipient of this MSDS to study it carefully to
become aware of/and understand the hazards associated with the product.
The reader should consider consulting reference works or individuals who
are experts in ventilation, toxicology or fire prevention, as necessary
or appropriate to use and understand the data contained in this MSDS.
To promote safe use and handling
of this product, each customer or recipient should
(1) notify employees, agents,
contractors and others who may use this material, of the information in
this MSDS and any other information regarding hazards or safety,
(2) Furnish this same information
to each customer for the product, and
(3) request customers to
notify their employees, customers, and other users of the product of this
The information and recommendations
contained herein are based on data believed to be correct, however no guarantee
or warranty of any kind, expressed or implied, is made with respect to
information and recommendations contained herein except where certified..
Revision 29a